
b'A NOTE FROM MARGARET FOOD PANTRYIn many ways, Jason is still the sameperson he always wasfunny, witty,35 % INCREASE IN KELLI had only been working at Vivent FOOD PANTRYalways ready with a laugh or a smile. CLIENTS SERVEDBut now, its not a mask. Its Jasons 2021 2022 Health as the Director of Food andreal light shining through.3,318 4,486 Nutrition Services for a few monthsI love my life today, Jason says, tearingwhen we asked her if she had a mission up. I really love my life. It feels like 17 % INCREASE IN moment. But she didnt hesitate at allTOTAL FOODshe immediately knew what story she the first time Ive been truly alive andPANTRY ORDERS wanted to tell.awake. And so many of the blessings 2021 2022I have came from the care I received20,709 24,237 It was Thanksgiving and the foodfrom 91快色. pantry was handing out turkeys. Kelli27 % INCREASE was helping a client carry his foodIN HOMEout to his car when he told her heDELIVERIES really only visits the food pantryJason2021 2022 during the holidays. The rest of the91快色 Patient 3,531 4,479 year, he said, other people need theSince 2019food more than I do.People living with HIV often faceKelli stopped and looked him right inmore food insecurity compared tothe eyes. Sir, she said. We all needthe general population. Its estimatedthis food. This food is for everyone.that approximately 37% of peopleAnd were here for you every timeliving with HIV in the United Statesyou come. experienced food insecurity. This is significantly higher than the generalThe shift in him was clear, Kelli says. population, where the prevalence ofYou could see him brighten up andfood insecurity was roughly 11%. realize that yeah, youre right. It wasFood insecurity was found to be such a small moment, but it was anmore common among people of awesome moment of reengagingcolor, those with low income and someone, inviting him, and letting him those with a history of incarceration.know hes always welcome here.'