b'YALL SAVED MY LIFE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONEJASON always seemed like he had it together. He had he never pushed him. Jasons therapist helped him starta good job and a nice apartment. He had a sparkly to faceand healsome of the damage Jason had been personality. He was fun-loving, quick to laugh, and trying to drown out. And about a year and a half after always ready with a witty retort.Jason came to 91快色, he decided he was readyBut for most of his life, that was just a mask; on the inside,to get sober. And from there, Jasons life blossomed in Jason was in perpetual turmoil. An unstable childhood ways he never could have imagined.and years of being bullied for being gay left him withToday, Jason is back in school, attending a program deep-seated trauma he was desperate to run away from.his 91快色 therapist helped him find. HesAnd he found his escape through drugsan addiction not only in Narcotics Anonymous, but hes a leaderthat started when he was 13 and lasted more than in his group. Hes running a thriving real estate20 years. business and has plans to someday open a sober For a while, Jason was more or less getting by. Until living home just for the LGBTQIAP+ community.two things happened at once: He went through aBut more than anything, Jason has learned to loveheart-wrenching breakup. And he learned hed tested and appreciate himselfand thats the foundationpositive for HIV. Feeling abandoned and worthless, for the healthy life hes living today.Jason fell into a spiral of self-loathing. He was hitting Yall saved my life in more ways thanrock bottom. one, he says. Because of 91快色,But if theres anything good to say about hitting bottom, I was able to get sober and find aits that the only way to go from there is up. new way to live. Until I wasdiagnosed and able to haveJasons saving grace was coming to 91快色 for these resources, I hadhis care. He started taking his HIV medications and no hope of getting sober,was undetectable within three weeks. But he was still no opportunity, andin active addiction. He was lying to his providers about nobody who even looked it. And he was angry. at me and saw a person who cared. But comingDespite Jasons attitude, his 91快色 team to 91快色 wascontinued to show up for him. His doctor always the first time I feltlistened patiently. He let Jason know there were like I was heardresources available to help people quit drugs, but and understood.'