
b'OURBert Lyons grew up in the 1980s, soBertfeelsfortunatetohavebeen he was always aware of AIDS. But theabletoprovidelovingcareforhis devastating impact of the virus reallyuncleattheendofKeithslife. DONORShit him when his beloved Uncle KeithTheexperienceandlossleftBert succumbed to the disease after yearsdetermined to do whatever he could CHANGEof secrecy about his diagnosis. to prevent anyone else from losing a loved one so unnecessarily. Bert and LIVES Keithhadamagneticpersonalityhiswife,Lisa,makethatpromisea andworkedasasuccessfuleventreality through an annual gift to Vivent plannerinNewOrleans.KeithHealth.Theyknowtheirfinancial wasopenlygayandcomfortablecommitmentmakesadifference, with his sexuality. What he wasntensuring that individuals who receive comfortablewithwasthestigmaan HIV diagnosis dont have to face it associatedwithbeingHIVpositive.alone and instead have access to life-Keiths fear of how others would reactchanging care and support.to his diagnosis kept him from being open about his status and prevented himfromreceivingthelifesaving treatmentavailable.Itisolatedhim fromthesupportofhisfriendsand family. Instead, Keith struggled alone P as his condition deteriorated over the A next several years. By the time his family G knew of his illness, Keith was dying.E22'